For solutions and services related to the Upstream line of business our firm offers two types of pricing each scaled to match the size of your business to keep your expenses low.

For lease owners with less than 10 wells, the most competitive pricing we offer is based on the total number of wells we would service. For lease owners with more than 10 wells or those generating monthly production volumes greater than 20,000 barrels we price according to the total production volume rather than the number of wells.

The process begins with a review of the client’s current systems and processes, followed by our firm creating an outline of how we can streamline these processes going forward including full pricing of our services.

All of our service levels includes full client on-boarding consisting of :

1.      An initial review of client accounting software

2.      Review of clients’ previous work product for the previous three months (if available), including:

a.       Production reports;

b.      Allocation reports;

c.       Variance reports

d.      Regulatory reports (State and Federal)

e.       Reconciliation statements

3.      Review of oil/gas field processes and operations

4.      Creation of client specific production and allocation reports

Learn more about our pricing by well count and volume.