Well Count

For new and smaller operations (10 wells or less) and those that generate less than 20,000 gallons per month, we offer cost effective pricing and provide you with big firm service and value.

There are three tiers of pricing depending on the number of wells in production during the month. All tiers provide the same level of reporting, including reconciliation statements, with the number of dedicated hours by our firm scaled to match the tier.

  • Tier 1 serves those with 1 - 3 wells

  • Tier 2 serves those with 4 - 6 wells

  • Tier 3 serves those with 7-10 wells

Volume Count

Larger and more established lease owners and exploration and production companies with a higher number of wells producing are priced according to the production volume rather than the number of wells in operation.

Pricing by the volume helps to streamline the reporting process and keeps costs low.

  • Tier 1 serves volume from 20,000 bbls to 65,000 bbls

  • Tier 2 serves volume from 65,001 bbls to 150,000 bbls

  • Tier 3 serves volume from 150,001 bbls and greater